Latest News
- Speed Limit – SeaSide Area
- The Waterway Park Pier Is Being Replaced
- POA Activities Committee Move to Online Ticket Sales
St. James Plantation Awarded NWF Certification
St. James Conservancy registered the Town of St. James with the National Wildlife Federation to become a “Community Wildlife Habitat.” To obtain the necessary certification points, various requirements across multiple areas and tasks had to be fulfilled. The points are determined based on population and zip codes.
In just over ten months, St. James not only met but surpassed all the required points in each category, achieving certification. This accomplishment, realized in less than a year, marks St. James as the first coastal community in North Carolina to fulfill the criteria. Additionally, we are proud to be the first community east of Raleigh to attain this prestigious status.
What does this mean for St. James? Read more…
POA Open Information Meeting
We keep you informed! The POA Board invites new and current residents to attend Open Information Meetings, held at the Homer Wright Event Center. OIM’s are held quarterly and provide a snapshot of year-to-date operations, including:
· Financial and Committee updates.
· Budgeting Process.
· Project updates, such as paving work, Waterway Park pier extension and Rt. 211 widening and impacts to the front entrance. There will also be time for property owner Q&A.
Keep an eye out for notifications of the next OIM. We hope to see you there!