POA Committees and Their Purpose

12 standing committees support the POA Board of Directors. The committees are largely comprised of property owner volunteers and Board Liaison members. The Architectural Control Committee membership includes two POA staff members. Openings on the committees are announced via the blast email system or in our monthly magazine, Cat-Tales.


The Activities Committee’s purpose is social and exists to help members of the community of St. James become better acquainted with each other and with the community.

Architectural Control 

Reviews site plans, exterior building, and landscaping plans to preserve harmonious and aesthetically pleasing designs in St. James Plantation.


Responsible for all forms of communication between the POA and the property owners. Venues include Cat-Tales magazine; What’s Up St. James? the weekly newsletter; the POA website, and broadcast e-mails.

Community Garden

The Community Garden Committee is responsible for establishing and enforcing the guidelines of the Community Gardens, maintaining the garden roster, and managing the Community Garden budget.


Works with the POA Community Manager to develop the annual POA Budget for submission to the POA Board. Advises the POA Board on all matters that may have a financial impact on the POA. Reviews all major requests for proposal as well as all large bids and proposed contracts and makes recommendations to the Board, as appropriate. Works with the POA Community Manager to monitor POA performance to Budget and recommends changes as needed to maintain proper adherence to the overall budget. One Finance Committee Member liaisons with the Infrastructure, Security, and Landscape Committees.

Information Technology Committee

The Information Technology Committee’s role is to plan and oversee all technology and systems-related programs and equipment that are within the St. James Plantation Property Owners’ Association purview and work with other committees in utilizing the POA systems.

Infrastructure Committee

The Infrastructure Committee’s mission is to provide the SJPOA Board with guidance, counsel, and implementation services with cost-effective management of SJPOA assets and amenities.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee’s mission is to maintain the purchasing power of the current assets to maintain the level of services and programs about inflation within reasonable and prudent levels of risk; to maintain an appropriate asset allocation based on a total return policy that is compatible with a flexible spending policy, and to ensure that investment maturities provide availability of assets for the coming year’s reserve requirements.

Landscape Committee

To continue the ongoing efforts to beautify, maintain, and extend the common areas and green space within St. James Plantation as well as promote community involvement through initiatives such as the Neighborhood Landscape Groups and Earth Day. Address homeowner concerns in a timely and equitable fashion and work in concert with POA Committees and other St. James organizations to create a safe and aesthetically pleasing environment for all residents. Reporting to the POA Board, economically sound methods are used to continue making the best possible decisions concerning overall goals.

Nominating Committee

In preparation for the annual meeting in October, inform residents about the process for becoming a candidate for open POA Board position(s) and identify candidates. Administers the voting process for election to the POA Board or any other issue presented to the membership under the POA Bylaws. Tallies votes, whether by written or electronic ballot and announces results.

Ponds Committee

Works to enhance and maintain the health, beauty, and recreational usage of the St. James Plantation ponds for the enjoyment of its residents. The committee also collaborates with the community on pond-related issues and education.

Safety and Security Committee

Works with the Board, POA Community Manager, and the security contractor to identify and make recommendations for any items affecting safety and security in St. James.