About the St. James Property Owners Association

At the St. James Property Owners Association, we pride ourselves on keeping our residents connected through events and activities. Our on-site manager is proud of our community engagement, and through our website and mobile app, we keep everyone informed about area happenings, maintenance, security, events, and more.
The St. James Plantation Property Owners’ Association (POA) was established to provide for the operations, maintenance and preservation of Common Areas and architectural control of homes and other structures.
POA Document Library here. (Governing Documents, Open Informational Meeting Notes, Board Meeting Minutes and Annual Meeting Presentations)
The POA Board currently has six representatives elected by the property owners and one member appointed by the Developer.St. James Plantation is unique in that there is a large portion of common properties that have already been turned over to the Property Owners’ Association; it is also an incorporated Town. The Town’s limits extend outside St. James Plantation. So, if you get a little confused about who does what, we have tried to clarify the information in each section. But if you still need clarification, just call the POA office.
- The POA Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
- The Board meeting is open to all property owners in January, May, August, and November. Meeting notices are sent in advance.
- The POA holds an open Informational Meeting on the third Thursday in February, April, and July at the Community Center at 4:00 PM. Meeting notices are sent in advance.
- The annual meeting of the Association takes place in October of each year. Meeting notices are sent in advance.
POA Open Informational Meeting Notes, Board Meeting Minutes and Annual Meeting Presentations are available here property owners.
How We Communicate…
Once you become a property owner, you will need to visit the St. James Plantation Property Owners’ Association (POA) office where you will receive:
- A Welcome Package
- A personal introduction to the POA’s website and your personal login and password to access the property owners-only areas of the website
- Guidelines for building in St. James Plantation, if appropriate
- Lots of other valuable information.
As part of the welcome, your contact information will be entered into the POA’s Management Database (PMD). This database links property owners to four key areas: 1) the POA’s website; 2) the QuickPass® security system which gets you and your guests through the gates; 3) the POA’s dues billing system via CAS and 4) The Town of St. James’ emergency management system.
The emergency system sends out urgent messages regarding the safety or welfare of residents, guests or those working within the town, such as severe weather warnings, hazardous traffic or road conditions and any other condition that could threaten the lives, property or welfare of our citizens. It is important to keep your data current through the POA.
The POA’s website provides information about the area, important contacts and phone numbers and the workings of the POA and its thirteen operating committees. The private side of the website, which is accessed via a personal login and password, allows property owners to search the online directory, access relevant POA documents, get more details on the board and committees, connect with other residents, access the community calendar and bulletin board, explore the many groups and clubs and more.
Cat-Tales is the POA’s magazine that primarily reports on the SJP community’s activities and residents. The Communications Committee develops the magazine that is distributed monthly via the U.S. mail to all property owners. An archive of past issues is maintained on the POA’s website.
What’s Up St. James? is aweekly electronic newsletter issued by the Communications Committee and emailed every Monday. It provides property owners with up-to-date POA board and committee information as well as upcoming events throughout the community and local area.
POA Website Contact Form is a quick and easy way to contact the POA office by clicking on “Contact Us” at the bottom of the POA website pages. Your comments and questions are reviewed during business hours and responded to within two-three business days.
Blast Emails are sent out periodically by the POA on important issues and time-sensitive information. Blast emails are sent to different groups depending on email content, such as property owners or just residents.
The POA strives to be available to all property owners. The POA Community Manager and staff are available at the office Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. The board and committee members welcome open communication via open meetings, email ([email protected]) or phone calls (910-253-4805).Times for the periodic POA meetings are provided either in What’s Up St. James? or on the POA website:
· Monthly Open POA Informational Meetings are usually held the third Thursday of the month at 4 p.m. at the St. James Community Center (SJCC). All property owners are invited to attend.
· Quarterly Open POA Board Meetings. Property owners are invited to the quarterly open board meetings held at SJCC.
· The Annual POA Meeting is held in October for all property owners. If there is an election for open board positions, voting results are announced during the meeting. The meeting is held at the SJCC and meeting details are mailed as well as listed in What’s Up St. James?, the website and a blast email.
The POA has the following general responsibilities as outlined in the “Articles of Amendment” filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State on December 17, 1998 and the Amended and Restated Charter filed with the Secretary of State on June 28, 1991.
- Establish reasonable rules and regulations governing the use of Common Properties.
- Levy and collect assessments to defray the common expenses of the Association.
- Construct, maintain and replace common properties.
- Contract for the management of the St. James Property Owners’ Association.
- To acquire, own, hold and improve, convey, sell, lease transfer, dedicate for public use, or dispose of real and personal property in connection with the affairs of the Association.
- To enforce the provisions of the Declaration and other rules and regulations including but not limited to the Architectural Control Guidelines.
Specific Services Provided by the POA include:
- Operation and maintenance of all landscaping and other flora, structures, and improvements situated on the Common Properties and the private streets within the development.
- Security and traffic control.
- Lighting of entrances, boardwalks, sidewalks, and walking paths
- Insect and pest control, in supplement to State or other governmental activities.
- Operations and maintenance of the St. James Beach Club, the Dog Parks,Waterway Park and the Woodlands Park area and the picnic Pavilions at Waterway Park and Woodlands Park.
- Operation of the following committees: Architectural Control, Communications, Finance, Infrastructure, Landscaping, Nominating, Safety and Security.
- Operation and maintenance of the Library building.
- Levying and collection of assessments and fees
- Development and administration of an annual budget and five year plan.
- Enforcement of POA Covenants, Rules and Policies. Water, sewer and trash pickup services are provided by Brunswick County.
- Administration of the Architectural Control Committee.
- Conduct annual meeting for Property Owners and elections for the Property Owner members of the Board of Directors.
If you have any additional questions about the St. James Property Owners Association community, please contact us!